Being Romanced By Our Inner Most Light
Finding The Lighthouse Of Love Through The Sea Storms Of Life
Hello there my Sweet Sippers!
Hope you don’t mind me giving you a knick name. I kinda like it. Think it’s got some staying power. So, I’m going with it.
Hope you are sipping up the sweet essence of your life on this fine day. Taking in that deep breath that is the life force of living.
Go ahead and just take in a few breaths, maybe take it in with a few words of gratitude or even praise for what you have, are or do. We are so blessed, aren’t we?
This week I really had to dig deep for that idea. Funny story, so after a long day of doing yard work, last Sunday, and getting house tasks done, my husband and I were ready to call it a day. Getting our kiddos ready for bed, everyone showering so we could eat a late dinner. Well, I was more focused on caring for everyone else. I was moving too quickly, and I slipped coming out of the shower. An ER visit, a CT scan, five stitches in my chin, and a week of rest later, I realize the wake up call that this incident was in my life. I need to slow down and take way better care of myself. (And make sure my kids collect their swimmy/wet bathing suits from our bathroom floor). I’m doing so much better today and I am so glad I didn’t break anything! Another realization I had was that I’m stronger and more durable than I realize. Lots of rest and calm celebrating will be on the agenda as we move into this midsummer season.
Speaking of being calm and not becoming over stimulated, a friend from my daily sangha group,
Sydney, has some powerful thoughts on this subject. Her words were ringing very true in my mind. She just launched her embodied coaching biz. In her latest YouTube video, she speaks about intuitive listening and what may serve your highest good. Choosing for yourself and what will lead to the best choices for yourself and having a solid truth. Disregulation can lead us down a self destructive path. So I highly recommend checking her out!
For courage and EmPowerment coaching email Sydney at
Now, back to our regular scheduled programming…our slow Chakra Crawl for the year. This is the final installment of the Heart Chakra exploration. In reviewing what we’ve learned about this particular energy center, the Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra, characterized by the color green, it’s element is air, and is located close to our lungs and thymus gland. It sits as the balance point between all the chakras, in the middle. It meets the upper energies of the heavens with the lower energies of the Earth. Working with this chakra creates subtle changes within ourselves, that may bring more understanding that we are more than these bodies. We become connected to a deeper truth. So much so, we re-calibrate our thinking from “me to we” or “me to thee.”
I began this part of the series, working with the heart chakra, with the feeling of my heart being very broken over dealing with the challenges of my son’s journey through his cancer treatment. What I can say now having really taken the time to focus on piecing it back together is it is HEALING, for now. I understand that I cannot sit and do nothing. I must take my time, daily, and continue to not only lean into the practices that help me feel better, but, that also extend outward to others. But, the sweet spot is, to double down on going even further into these modalities to help anchor in the truth of who I am. This includes my writing. Here’s a fun favorite for you to enjoy.🥰
And my yoga practice…
And…my time in nature…
I will be going deeper into the practices that have held my heart through much of this hardship over this next quarter, in my up coming ‘Practice Series,’ here at Mantras and Coffee. I’m excited to share the practices that have anchored and kept me grounded, riding these unforeseeable waves of our current family journey.
So with this being said, I’m filled with so much gratitude to share with you that I was so very honored, this month, to be the winner of The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press June Ekphrastic Challenge!!!
I wrote this poem as I lay in my son’s hospital room, on the concave couch, I’ve come to love and make peace with. There was a full moon, outside that night, gazing through the window. We were so lucky to have such a clear view, as the words poured through. It just flowed out. Thank you
. My heart is so much lighter because of your good work and contributions. Thank you and keep going!!! So much love!!!This notebook was my glorious, sweet prize! Art by Colin Thom. So lovely! Hopes and dreams hidden within🥰
Ok, my dear readers, here we are. Thanks for sticking with me as I continue to navigate. I truly appreciate your friendship. Feel free to share what made you feel like you lived today. Please DO Share⬇️
I made you a Summer Playlist (in case you missed it)
Editing ... I lived, for a time, through the delicious words of others. Yours included ❤️