Shedding Shame and Finding True Strength in Action
An Invitation to Have a Cup of Coffee and Explore the Solar Plexus
(Photo by me. Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.
Pictured: Tiny City of Chicago, taken on a cold Spring day.)
Hello my dear readers!!
How are we fairing? Good…bad…meh?
What have you been up to? Creating anything cool?
Let’s just take a long breath, shall we…?
Wrapping you up. It’s ok. Connect. You are safe. You are free.
It’s sure challenging to really take time to sit, right? So many things…all the time.
Meditation can get distracting. My Kundalini yoga teacher likes to use the term ‘Sat Nam’ which means True Self. While I’m meditating, inevitably I lose focus. This is normal. You know you are meditating if you are able to bring yourself back into focused observation of yourself. Coming back to a few words helps me do that. I like to take a breath in, internally saying ‘True,’ exhaling, internally saying ‘Self.’ Meditating is about ‘the coming back,’ it’s not about how long can you sit pushing away thoughts. Thoughts will come. It’s about allowing them, watching them go by and returning to the present. This is a practice. You don’t have to be perfect. We are in this together.
Speaking of ‘togetherness.’ You are invited!
You will be notified by email and I will open a chat monthly. Let’s get together, grab a coffee and share some work space together!
Join our Chakra Journey! We are slowly exploring each Chakra throughout this entire year! So far we’ve explored the Root, Sacral and now the Solar Plexus. Feel free to come and hop in with us!
(Barrel Cactus, Life Magazine, 1950)
Ok, lovelies, here we are, now. Just us.
How are YOU? How has your chakra experience been so far?
Just to refresh, the chakras are specific energy centers running up and down the center of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of head and around the body.
The seven chakras are located close by to nerve ganglia, clusters of nerve cell bodies, located throughout the body. These major nerve centers correspond to each of the chakras. They are gateways to different facets of your emotional feelings, thoughts, and physical feelings.
As we continue on our journey, flowing upwards from our Sacral to our Solar Plexus, we continue to explore these programs that govern our personal aspects. Utilizing them more as navigation tools to help us understand ourselves better, rather than feeling like we need to rebalance chakras that are feeling “out of wack.” The more we explore, the more we learn about ourselves as individuals.
It’s honestly been so healing for me spending this focused time, journeying alongside you, working through many of my own feelings and emotions. It’s been quite a process gaining acceptance for who I am now, becoming a ‘cancer mom’ and understanding the role I play in my son’s healing journey. Especially, as he is coming back to a better level of health, feeling good, and enjoying all things in his teenage realm. Feeling and allowing myself to relax back into regular life, with a new perspective and knowledge of my own personal strength, has been eye opening. I’ve gained new understanding for the kind of mom I want to be to my other two kids. Witnessing the journey they have, also, been through these last few years, has let me know a depth of their little hearts, I wouldn’t have known otherwise, at such young ages. Living through something so challenging has given me insight into the kind of wife and friend, I choose to be on a daily basis, to my husband. Just looking at this energy center has allowed me to see my own clarity and confidence. Even though I am still metabolizing all of my anxiety from so many turbulent days. It’s beginning to feel like receding flood waters after a terrible storm. I am anchored by my own strength.
The Solar Plexus holds the energy of purpose and self-esteem. Personal power and identity. I like to think of it, also, as the ‘taking action’ zone. This Chakra gives the permission for you to zero in on and creating a plan of action for your own growth, needs and priorities. It is located just above the belly button. It is represented by the color yellow, bright and energizing. Fire is the coordinating Earth element. Focusing in on this area, we are reminded that we always have choices. We can choose to use our free will and take action to move the preverbal needle forward. Shedding shame and opening a door to new ambition.
When we feel sluggish, have digestive issues, or have difficulty connecting with our own self-identity, it may indicate more attention is needed around this energy center.
When feelings of unworthyness arise…ask yourself…
What am I ashamed of?
What am I embarrassed by?
We have the option to make decisions and choices in our life. Thinking about this energy center, I am reminded that what anyone thinks of me is none of my business. What matters is what I think of myself. What standard do I want to live each day? And some days that means staying in pajamas all day and letting my kids have cereal for dinner. Maybe watching movies, having snuggles, writing or sneaking away by myself for a walk at the beach.
Journal on what you want. Strip away the ideas those around you may be unintentionally be putting upon you.
🖋️What do I really want?
🖋️If this decision was already made in my life, what would a normal day look like?
Here is a link to a Pinterest Board, I made, covering the lower chakras of the body. 🤲🏼
Happy Discovering!
I also believe forgiveness plays a key role with this chakra.
I recently just happened to see a small quip of an interview with a celebrity. I won’t name names. But they were speaking about how the they were sexually assaulted. As the words were coming out of their mouth, it’s as though I was saying the words myself. I couldn’t flip the channel fast enough. It was the same story I lived twenty years ago. Knowing that I’m not alone, is helpful. But also sad, that there are so many with that same narrative. In that moment, I realized even though I have come very far, like being able to even talk about it, my body let me know the work that still needs to be done. I got so flustered, my hands were shaking and my heart beat was pounding. This has always been my own personal work for this chakra. It’s a daily effort. But, as time continues on, so does my healing. One of the best takeaways, healing from being assaulted…’forgiveness is for YOU. Forgiveness is love.’
As we navigate life, maybe rough waters kick up around us, a dark storm rolls in, things get murky…checking in with this chakra, and being honest about our shame, may be helpful to keep energy flowing. In addition, for me, working with a therapist, has been helpful to process much of the trauma and emotions held in this energy center. There is no shame in nature. Nature is just nature. All the flowers, plants and animals go about their way without any type of shame. We are nature. Remembering this has been a helpful pattern interrupt when I get caught in a shame cycle.
You are strong and capable, my dear friend. Even when you are feeling your weakest. You always have a choice. Spending just a small amount of time really thinking about what you believe and unpacking why you believe this, may just lead you to your purpose. Giving yourself this time, whatever comes up, will most definitely lead you back to love.
So take a deep breath. Inhale…true…exhale…self.
You’ve got this!
Wishing you strength in all your actions!
And remember YOU ARE NATURE!
(A sweet poem by my friend, Diana Wiese )
Hope to see you in the chat! Feel free to comment with what you are noticing in your life, that is giving you strength, right now. I would love to know!
Thank you for your openness and giving us a safe place to share.