(Indiana Dunes National Park. February 2024. Photo taken by me.)
Hello there, my friend,
And how is your heart feeling today?
It’s ok if it’s a little ‘meh.’
Just taking a little emotional inventory, to see where you’re sitting, is helpful in really knowing yourself.
Emotion is energy in motion.
All energy is frequency and all frequency carries information.
Dr. Joe Dispenza
A tool that has helped me is called The Emotional Guidance Scale. I created a graphic for you with printable version below ⬇️
Energy is measured in hertz. The scale is a helpful visual guide to see where all these emotions line up. So, for example, if we are feeling a little ‘meh,’ or bored, we can see that we are actually just feeling a bit below contentment. That’s pretty far above depressed and that’s pretty good!
Emotional Guidance Scale Printable
We’ve been blessed with a bit of warmer weather out here in the Great Lakes region of the U.S. Sweatshirt weather in February is not the normal standard. In fact, it’s a bit jarring, but, we’ll take the relief, none-the-less. Unfurling just a bit, and stretching our bodies AND minds is a welcomed exercise. I decided to ask my son if he’d want to go for a walk, the other day, since it was so nice. (He really hasn’t wanted to throughout his treatment) I even went a step further and asked if he’d want to dig out his skateboard…? It was the easiest ‘yes’ I’ve heard in a very long time! He hasn’t ridden in over two and half years! It was a moment of incredible joy! Embracing this moment without fear, for what it was, in its simplicity, cleared away the clutter of my heart. And I just felt love.
(My eldest skateboarding for the first time in over two years!)
Which leads me to what I decided to write about here to you dearest reader. Those moments in our lives when we feel the most freyed, is an opportunity for us to slowdown and reconnect to love. Letting go of that need to feel like everything is under intense control.
I sat this weekend with my husband and youngest son and watched a movie. It was nice to just relax and snuggle. A main theme of the movie focused on connection. How important our links are to each other. Specifically, through human touch, in order to help with processing through some feelings of sadness and grief. This character needed a hug from their lost loved one. Something so simple, but, it was evident how important this simple act was in helping them to move forward. The movie, being an animated one, the young character in need, magically, got their wish in the end. While this magical ending is not something physically attainable in our regular world, after losing a loved one. I believe it could be interpreted as a metaphor. Time to allow our feelings and emotions to come up is like giving ourselves the warmest hug. A hug can also look like advocating for ourselves and our needs. We allow ourselves to be our real selves when we say what is important to us, directly. Who we are meant to really be is recognized in a very sobering way.
(My youngest boy, wearing a t-shirt, he made, a few years ago, for a childhood cancer fundraiser)
While we are embracing the hard things, stopping to think, ‘hey, WHAT IS IT that I really need right now?,’ remembering that it’s ok to ask for something so very simple, like a hug. That’s right, a simple, sweet embrace from someone else. Maybe giving a sweet pooch a little love, with some snugs and scratches. You might even try wrapping your own arms around your shoulders and giving yourself a squeeze. It may release come tension!
Hugs are free. Hugs remind us we are human. Hugs are healthy for us! There is surprising science behind the act of hugging. Hugs can lower your risk for infection and your blood pressure. ‘Feel good’ brain chemicals also get released! When we hug and we may even feel less fearful towards life and its many trying experiences. 2
So, there you go…sweet friend! Sending you so much love today and everyday!! Holding you tight!!
As we part ways, for now, please think of ways you can ‘hug’ yourself, today. How can you speak up and go for what you need? Tell a friend or write it down and look at it often. Feel free to share how you will love yourself in the comments⬇️
One last thing…this is good!
My friend Alice just hosted a ‘write a love letter to yourself’ workshop! What an awesome idea! I think she will be hosting more workshops similar to this one in the future. Here is her Instagram…Go Alice!!
I’m excited to share that two of my photographs will be featured in an upcoming debut Anthology from Open Shutter Press later this month! Check them out here!
Release Date: February 23rd, 2024!!
Love you, my dear reader❣️
Becoming Supernatural, Dispenza, 2017
Thomas, 2022, brainfodder.org
So much of the good vibes and good news. Hugs are vital. That scale is interesting too. I've not seen it b4. Thx MB. Another triffic write ✍️ 👌 👏 🧡
I so love this post. It’s so great your boy is back on his skateboard!! And the clarity about emotions being vibrational, measurable— I first learned of that scale from AHicks. Love that scale. And Hugs are one of my favorite things! So much goodness in this post dear MB. Many thanks 🙏🏼 and sending hugs 🫂 💖💖💖