I'm realising that, having been in the most locked-down place in the world, the prolonged isolation has had a considerable impact and comes with a particular kind of fallout. We've all been to eager to rush back in and without the slower and kinder consideration that isolation could have grown. So I'm feeling a bit fried but grateful that we've all made it this far. It's been a big few years MB. Glad we are travelling alongside each other and holding virtual hands ❤️❤️❤️
Oh I love this, Karen! Holding virtual hands. And yes, it has been a big few years. Slow steps as move ahead is still moving. I like that choice. ❤️ Grateful for you my friend!!
I'm realising that, having been in the most locked-down place in the world, the prolonged isolation has had a considerable impact and comes with a particular kind of fallout. We've all been to eager to rush back in and without the slower and kinder consideration that isolation could have grown. So I'm feeling a bit fried but grateful that we've all made it this far. It's been a big few years MB. Glad we are travelling alongside each other and holding virtual hands ❤️❤️❤️
Oh I love this, Karen! Holding virtual hands. And yes, it has been a big few years. Slow steps as move ahead is still moving. I like that choice. ❤️ Grateful for you my friend!!